Our Work

Some of our works


Here are some of our works …

Advanced Tech Video


To highlight the clients advanced AI technology this “Advanced Tech” video is including lots of advanced animations. We animated and added sound effects to images shared by the client. We have developed a Visual Identity that also supported the “Advanced Tech” feeling.

Corporate video


A Branding-Testimonial video for the biggest European provider of Innovation Conferences for Multinational Companies. They sent us their footage, and we developed the video; storytelling, visual design, and effects. Later they used the video design on their website as well.

Branding Video


A branding video used in a LinkedIn ad campaign. We created all content from the ground. Using very high-end video footage and visual effects. Instead of recording, we could create a video at a fraction of the price by using stock video footage.

Spokesperson Video


We created all content from the ground. Creating a feeling of following a super user in the different situations of using the mobile app. We used footage with green screen and replaced with screen recordings of their mobile application interface.